Nursery rhymes that will take you back in time.
The Sea (4.17)
Let’s go down to the sea
I saw three ships
The owl and the Pussycat
Once I caught a fish alive
The Drunken Sailor
Blow the wind Southerly
Bobby Shaftoe
Time And Weather and Seasons (4.40)
Time and Weather and seasons
Thirty days hath September
Mondays Child
I hear thunder
It’s raining it’s pouring
Doctor Foster
Rain rain go away
Monkeys wedding
Pets (5.17)
You’re lucky if you have a pet
I had a little pony
Inkie pinkie ponkie
Where has my little dog gone
Hush little baby
Widdicombe fair
Hark, Hark
One man went to mow
Riddles and Games (5.15)
I like riddles, I like games
Eeny meeny
Tinker tailor
Round and round the garden
This old man
In and out the windows
One finger one thumb
Jack be nimble
I’m the king of the castle
Lubin Loo
All things nice (4.08)
Everybody likes a treat
If all the world were paper
Gimme crack corn
Little Tommy Tucker
Pat a cake
Have you seen the Muffin man
Peas pudding hot
The big rock candy mountain
Granny and Grandpa (5.47)
Marching (5.50)
We’re all going a-marching
The Grand Old Duke of York
Yankee Doodle
Tom Tom the Piper’s Son
My Son John
London Bridge
Here we Go round the Mulberry Bush
Animals (6.00)
All kinds of Animals
Sing A Song of Sixpence
To Market To Market
Hickory Dickory Dock
Pop Goes the Weasel
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Three Blind Mice
Hickety Pickety My Black Hen
Ride A Cock Horse
Goosey Goosey Gander
Hey Diddle Diddle
Cock-a-doodle Doo
Girls (3.43)
Little Girls Little Girls
Lucy Locket
Little Bo Peep
Little Miss Muffett
Mary Mary
There was a Little Girl
What are Little Girls made of
Mary had a Little Lamb
Boys (5.05)
Little Boys Little Boys
Little Jack Horner
Little Boy Blue
Ding Dong Bell
What are Little Boys made of
Georgy Porgy
Wee Willie Winkie
The Playground (4.28)
When we play in the Playground
Oranges and Lemons
See-Saw Marjorie Daw
Pussy Cat Pussy Cat
Hush-a-bye Baby
Grown Ups (5.35)
Gentlemen and Ladies
The Queen of Hearts
Simple Simon
Polly Put the Kettle on
Rub a Dub Dub
Jack Sprat
Old Mother Hubbard
Old King Cole
There was a Crooked Man
There was an Old Women who Lived in a Shoe
Girls and Boys (6.50)
Girls and Boys come hear our Songs
Girls and Boys come out to Play
Jack and Jill
Humpty Dumpty
I had a little Nut Tree
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee
The Farmer’s in the Dell
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Counting (6.16)
Let’s all learn to count
One Two Buckle my Shoe
The One Two Three Song
The Clock in our Home
The Time Song
The Money Song
Hot Cross Buns